Barry D. Roos
Welcome to my website. I have been involved in Thoroughbred racing since 1975, when my dad bought his first racehorse. Racing quickly became my life, and I worked each summer in my youth on a horse farm.
After high school, I attended the University of Kentucky, where I attended every major horse sale of the early 1980s. It is there where I learned much about the inner workings of the industry. I then went to work for perennial leading trainer John Rigattieri, one of the top percentage trainers of the last 30 years. I worked my way up to Assistant Trainer before taking out my license in 1987.
My training career spanned 16 years, with the highlight being training local champion Achenar. My proudest achievement by far is that I NEVER lost a horse in a race due to injury and I retired with not a single bad test on my record.
I have a strong belief in the industry and can sheppard potential participants away from less than honorable trainers, agents and pitfalls. Whether you need help at the sales, setting up partnerships, or consulting on any racing matter, I am glad to help.